The Novice Advantage: Being New Is An Edge

2 min readMar 7, 2022

The first year of doing anything is the toughest. I start an online business in 2022. The world is filled with so much noise that it seems like everything you do just goes unnoticed.

However, if you choose to, being a novice may be seen as an edge. I refuse to be limited by the fact that I have just arrived on the scene. I remember three reasons why I can take advantage of my position as a newcomer today.

Roaming with No Pressure — Nobody is expecting you to offer an expert opinion, and they are not anticipating you to top your prior game since you have no track record. You are also not trapped in a niche or an army of loyal fans that dictate your directions. So you can explore your curiosity, creating for the audience of one: yourself. The early years of the business are the most enjoyable and exciting, so make the most of them.

Growth is Straightforward — Without a sizable audience or other metrics to cling to, you can only pay attention to your rate of production and personal growth. And it’s not yet complicated to grow noticeably fast.

People are more forgiving when you are new. You might come across as a little bit unpolished and people will perceive it as “she’s new and she’s trying”. Since you are not a threat or a competition for anybody, people are more likely to support you for your effort.

Sure, takers will ignore you if you try to engage with them since you have not much to offer, but that makes it easier to spot givers who will generously assist you. I can attest to this, because I, for one, am more likely to buy from hard-working underdogs than established experts.

The Learner Persona — Since you are not yet an expert and it would be awkward to pretend, the only personality you can adopt is that of an enthusiastic learner.

People are not looking to learn from you, they are looking to learn with you.

That creates a sense of companionship that might lead to partnership and sponsorship later. If you can stay motivated, pick up skills quickly, share your notes generously, and never stop giving value, you will inspire people as a newbie who takes massive actions against the odds. Enthusiasm is contagious.

There’s no need to begrudge the winners, start where you are, look forward and leap.

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I write about self improvement, creative business, and technology. Find me on Twitter: